"The foundation of Hitler's success in the first years rested not only on his triumphs in foreign affairs, which brought so many bloodless conquests, but on Germany's economic recovery, which in party circles and even among some economists abroad was hailed as a miracle."
"Unemployment, the curse of the Twenties and early Thirties, was reduced, as we have seen, from six million in 1932 to less that a million four years later."
"All of Schacht's admitted wizardry in finance was put to work to pay for getting the Third Reich ready for war. Printing banknotes was mearly one of his devices. He manipulated the currency with such legerdemain that at one time it was estimated by foreign economists to have 237 different values. He negotiated amazingly profitable(for Germany) barter deals with dozens of countries and to the astonishment of orthodox economists successfully demonstrated that the more you owed a country the more business you did with it. His creation of credit in a country that had little liquid capital and almost no financial reserves was the work of genius, or--as some said--of a master manipulator. His invention of the so-called "Mefo" bills was a good example. These were simply bills created by the Reichsbank and guaranteed by the state and used to pay armament manufacturers. The bills were accepted by all German banks and ultimately discounted by the Reichsbank. Since they appeared neither in the published statements of the national bank nor in the government's budget they helped maintain secrecy as to the extent of Germany's rearmament. From 1935 to 1938 they were used exclusively to finance rearmament and amounted to a total of twelve billion marks. In explaining them once to Hitler, Count Schwerin von Krosigk, the harassed Minister of Finance, remarked that they were mearly a way of "printing money.""
"In September of 1936, with the inauguration of the Four-Year Plan under the iron control of Goering, who replaced Schacht as economic dictator though he was almost as ignorant of business as was Hitler, Germany went over to a total war economy. The purpose of the plan was to make Germany self-sufficient in four years, so that a wartime blockade would not stifle it. Imports were reduced to the bare minimum, severe price and wage controls were introduced, dividends restricted to 6 per cent, great factories set up to make synthetic rubber, textiles, fuel and other products from Germany's own sources of raw materials, and a giant Hermann Goering Works established to make steel out of the local low-grade ore."
"Buried under mountains of red tape, directed by the State as to what they could produce, how much and at what price, burdened by increasing taxation and milked by steep and never ending "special contributions" to the party, the businessmen, who had welcomed Hitler's regime so enthusiastically because they expected it to destroy organized labor and allow an entrepreneur to practice untrammeled free enterprise, became greatly disillusioned."
"Laws decreed in Oct. 1937 simply dissolved all corporations with a capital under $40,000 and forbade the establishment of new ones with a capital less than $200,000."
The purpose for this post is to point out that Germany had a booming economy based on a wartime philosophy. The money made and the employment gained at this time made it very easy for the Nazi government to gain total economic control over the people. Those who had been struggling now had jobs and those who were running the big business received large amounts of profit from all of the new business. When people make money, they do not complain. Money cannot buy happiness? Well...true....but it sure can make the days and nights easier to deal with and a lot more comfortable.
We here in America do not realize that our economy is a war based system. The entire structure of our country is based on war time efforts and when not at war...getting ready for the next war. The nations largest companies realized this in the early years of the 20th century. Look at our war history since then:
WWI 1914-1918
WWII 1939-1945
Korea 1950-1953
Vietnam 1960-1975
Bay of Pigs 1961
Grenada 1983
Panama 1989
Perisan Gulf 1990-1991
Bosnia 1995-1996
Afghanistan 2001-Present
TERROR 2001-Present
Iraq 2003-Present
That is twelve military involvements in 94 years, consisting of 50 years of actual war. That leaves only 44 years of peace.
Anyone still believe that America does not run off of a wartime economy? The most lucrative time in American business was at the height of WWII. Look at the largest companies in America today.
1. Wal-Mart Stores
2. Exxon Mobil
3. Chevron
4. General Motors
5. ConocoPhillips
6. General Electric
7. Ford Motor
8. Citigroup
9. Bank of America
10. AT&T
Now do a little research into what companies are subsidiaries of these large corporations. You will find mostly all of the large military defence contractors listed here.
Just think of what we could achieve if half of the Iraqi war budget had gone to alternative fuel research? Or cancer research?
Technical Communication in Chillicothe Ohio
10 years ago
hey again
Our countries "war" economy is something my grandfather tried to explain to me awhile back, but I'm just fully grasping it now.
Wouldn't it be awesome if our government put the same zealous effort into our economy, without thinking of war. The plan you describe here, devised by the nazi regime, has some idea's that, I think, we would do well to employ.
Self-Sufficiency is a beautiful thing!
"Imports were reduced to the bare minimum, severe price and wage controls were introduced, dividends restricted to 6 per cent, great factories set up to make synthetic rubber, textiles, fuel and other products from Germany's own sources of raw materials, and a giant Hermann Goering Works established to make steel out of the local low-grade ore."
Less the severe price and wage controls, and dividend restriction,
this ideas would do our country well.
When I looked yesterday, the debt for the current action is $573 billion +.
The million uses for the large an amount of money is mind boggling.
I can't even begin to narrow it down. Medical research is a great thought, but I'm not sure I believe in government funding for medical research. The government tends to fund diseases that drug companies want to do research on. So the the companies can gauge us at the cash register later. The government looks good funding big things like cancer, aids, heart disease. I dont like the idea of my money being spent on research for the disease of someone elses choosing. Maybe I want to do research on Schizophrenia, or hemophilia, or athletes foot, lol.
At any rate, Might the best thing to do with that money is not spend it at all? I'm sure we had some debt before this current BS started, but I guess when the value of our dollar is spiraling down, $573 billion isn't really that big of a deal.
The amount of 573 billion is enough money to buy every citizen of NJ 4- Toyota Yaris cars, with the fancy package, hahahaha
We all need 4 cars right?
just me again
So my concern is what happens to us if we stray away from a war economy. Do we become stagnant to the point someone else surpasses us? Without a war, military advances do not take place here and then someone else surpasses us. After the "Cold War" was over, people immediately cut back the military budget. Actors (I believe Tim Allen was one of them) protested for the submarine force to go away. I fully believe we need a strong military and we only prove time after time as a society that we need emotional motivation to support a military budget. This, of course, is a result of our society not understanding ANYTHING (yay for the public education system).
Now I do agree, once again, that the similarities between Hitler's time and the present is disgustingly eerie. It's unreal to wake up one day and realize what's going on and that you are in the minority as being informed. Keep up the good work, Dan, and I'll pas peeps on to this site.
Ok, I get that we have to maintain our military, keeping it ahead of the rest. Why do you think it is that our countries war economy seems to have no leanings to our self sufficiency as a nation? I don't get it. I don't see any reason, in this day and age,(with such a large, resource filled country)that we are so dependent on other countries. Maybe if our politicians hadn't been knocked up by the cash of other countries, our economy wouldn't be in the toilet. Mr. Bush was the first sitting president EVER, to attend an Olympic Games outside the US.
CHINA. The country that has us *cough cough* by the balls. What other communist country, with such a horrific human rights record, have we given such a cushy trade agreement? Oh that's right NO ONE!
Anyone noticed the price of scrap has gone through the roof? China is buying every bit they can get out of us, using it to build up there own infrastructure as ours crumbles around us.
This trip to the olympics just further illustrates what excellent puppeteers the chinese are.
woah, that went a little off point, lol.
I guess what I'm trying to say rich is, why can't this war economy benefit more then just the military?
Hey, thanks you two for posting as always.
The question is how much self sufficiency is good and how much is actually feasible.
Total self relience is good. If you rely on any other country, then you can be controled by that country.
How much can we actually achieve? Right now, not much. Until the people of this nation make their voices heard.
Anyone here ever heard of thermal-depolymerization? look it up. google it. It is a way that we can convert every peice of organic waste that we create into light crude oil. And it runs at about 85-90% efficiency right now. With advancments, we could acieve 100% efficiency. This means that we could provide every ounce of gasoline and deisel fuel that this country needs to keep us on the roads.
Our military can remain strong if we were as resilient as we once were. The problem is that, new weapons are not the major cost of our war economy.....war is. It costs us a trillion dollars a year to run the military machine, yet in 5 years we have overspent that by 6 trillion because of these two wars we are in.
I am talking of what we could make possible if we used the war spending money. Not the military budget.
We all need to grab ourselves by the boot straps and decide if we want to remain a super power or slowley crumble under our own corruption and overspending.
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